"Tudo contribui para o bem daqueles que amam a Deus" Romanos 8:28

sábado, 11 de junho de 2011

Classical Composition, language, comedy and Improvisation

Traditional (“classical”) musical composition and jazz improv have interesting similarities and contrasts.

Classical Composition
1) Write pitches and rhythms before a performance.
2) Use chromatic scale pitches and duple- and triple-meter rhythms.
3) Develop melodies using specific techniques.
4) Have the musical skills to hear and perform the written notes.
5) Use common forms, structures (4-bar, 8-bar, etc.).

Jazz Improvisation
1) Select pitches and rhythms during a performance.
2) Use chromatic scale pitches and triple- and duple-meter rhythms.
3) Develop melodies using specific techniques.
4) Have the musical skills to hear and perform the notes you imagine.
5) Use common forms, structures (4-bar, 8-bar, etc.).

Language and Improvisation
Jazz improv is like impromptu speaking, so improv and spoken language have many similarities:

1) Learn grammar and syntax.
2) Build a strong vocabulary.
3) Develop thoughts to a logical conclusion.
4) Communicate with the listener through words.
5) Use good conversational skills.
6) Balance talking vs. listening.

Jazz Improvisation
1) Learn scales, chords, music theory (music syntax).
2) Store up musical ideas (music vocabulary).
3) Develop musical ideas to a conclusion.
4) Communicate with the listener via musical ideas.
5) Interact musically with your performing group.
6) Balance playing vs. listening.

Standup Comedy and Improvisation
Standup comedy and improvisation are similar, except that comedy isn’t pretty and
improvisation isn’t funny.

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